Introduction to the Credit Card Authorization Form

Credit Card Authorization Form – Hey everybody, welcome. My name is Keshav and I’m going to be your trainer today on the credit card authorization form. So let’s go ahead and get started. Now, this credit card authorization form is very, very important whenever you’re doing bookings that you make sure you get filled out.

Accessing the Form | Credit Card Authorization Form

How you’re going to find this form is you’re going to first log into your back office site. Again, your user ID is going to be your agent ID number and then whatever password you create when setting up the account.

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Once you’re in your back office, you’re going to look under the menu. It’s about the second down from the travel training program. It says Travel Cafe. Travel Cafe, that’s what you’re going to click on. When you go to the Travel Cafe, just as a recap, the Travel Cafe is a great resource for updates, information coming out from our trip, maybe about our vendors, destinations, what’s going on, what trainings are coming up. Definitely a great resource to kind of stay in the know and stay in the loop of what’s going on.

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Downloading the Credit Card Authorization Form

Once you log into the Travel Cafe, you’re going to scroll down the menu until you see Forms. Forms is where you go to actually get the credit card authorization form. What you’re going to do is you’re going to click on that. It’s going to pull up this next screen and you’re going to see the very top first option is download the credit card authorization form. You’re gonna click download, it’s gonna open up.

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Customizing the Form | Credit Card Authorization Form

Now, what’s really nice about this downloadable form is it’s actually customizable. So you can actually click up here where it says independent contractor business name and you can put your information there. So this would be your company name or business name or just your first and last name, your address, your city, state, zip code, your phone number and email address. This is all your information.

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Filling Out Client Information

They’re going to come down here where it says “I”. This next blank is where you put the client’s name. So what they’re doing is “I, as the client, hereby authorize you as the independent contractor to process the credit card information provided for the reservation details listed below.” Make sure that you fill out all this information. When it comes down to the last four digits of the card, make sure it’s just the last four digits. Also make sure it says name as it appears on the credit card. Make sure that you put that on here. Some people have their middle initials, some do not on their credit cards. If you read this, it says do not provide a full credit card number in this form. You do not need to provide that full credit card number in this form. So please make sure that you do not do that.

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Total Charge to Credit Card

When it says total charge to my credit card, this is the entire cost of the trip, not the deposit, not how much they’re paying today. This is the entire cost, okay? They’re going to go ahead and fill out the rest of this, then they’re going to sign and date the very bottom.

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Verifying Identity | Credit Card Authorization Form

In addition to this form, what you’re going to do is you’re going to ask your client to send you a copy of their photo ID. The photo ID, what you use is you actually use that to verify that matches with the credit card information. They’re also going to send you a photocopy of their credit card. What I always tell people is to mark out the middle two sections of numbers because I don’t need that because they’ve already provided me the credit card information for the booking. But I just want to make sure that I have it all documented, that I have my credit card authorization form with their photo ID, with their credit card, with the booking. That way if anything was to happen, I have all my documents all together all within one file, easy access.

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Identifying Card Type

While I want them to actually show me not only the last four, the last four I have them show me because obviously that’s the number that matches the form. I also have them show me the first one. The reason I do this is it tells me what type of credit card that is. So if it starts with a three, it’s an American Express. If it starts with a four, it’s a Visa. A five is Discover and six, or I apologize, the five is Mastercard and a six is Discover. So that’s how I can actually determine what type of card it is.

Record Keeping

Now, this form is something that you’re going to keep on file for your records. You do not need to send this in to Archer unless they request it or if it is something that Archer helped you with or they are ticketing. So if you booked airfare with Archer and they’re providing those airfare tickets, you’re going to have to send this information to them because they’re not going to get those tickets until they have authorization showing that you are technically able to use somebody else’s credit card to purchase them. So that’s when you would actually submit that into Archer.

Handling Chargebacks

Again, this is very important that you do fill out fully and that you keep on record for years just so that you actually have the access in case of a chargeback. Again, a chargeback is just where a client is disputing the charges on their credit card with their credit card or with their bank. What happens with that is you will get a paper that says that this person is disputing the charge or Archer will. And what will happen is they’ll actually be able to provide them copies of this information that you have shown where the client actually signed and authorized you to use their information, their credit card to make the purchase. So this helps protect you in case a client tries to dispute the charges.

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